Skater stabbed after trying to steal car mirrors


Astana, Kazakhstan

Kazakh Artistic Skier Denis Ten bronze medalist at the 2014 Sochi Games, died Thursday at the age of 25 after being stabbed, announced the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Culture. Sports

The press service of the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Sports told AFP that the skater died in a hospital in Almaty (southern of the country), where he is arrived after losing three liters. the blood

"Unfortunately, Denis Ten died. The doctors did everything they could," said the ministry to the Russian news agency Ria Novosti [19659005] Regrettable

] According to the website, Denis Ten was assaulted by strangers who stabbed him, mainly to the right thigh.

When he arrived at the hospital, he was already in critical condition, according to the same source.

Almaty said he's looking for two hours According to Ria Novosti, unidentified men have "tried to steal mirrors from their car".

The International Skating Federation (ISU) reported on Twitter "deeply saddened by media reports from Kazakhstan announcing the death of skater Denis Dix."

"Our sincere condolences to Denis' family, his friends and his fans around the world, "added the ISU

of Korean descent, Denis Ten won the silver medal at the 2013 World Cup, year before achieving the bronze in Sochi. In 2015, he was in bronze at the World Cup. AFP

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