So are Facebook's challenges to fight false news


Reading the weather forecast before leaving does not guarantee the anticipation of what will happen, especially if you do not trust the source of the information. And is it on the Internet, if there is something that abounds (and night) are the false news. And Facebook, the most used social network on the planet, does not like that. This is why he has invited for the first time journalists from around the world to show them the efforts they are making to fight them.

"Messages and accounts that promote hate, physical or sexual violence are abusing our policies, we will eliminate them directly, and now we will do so with publications that may pose a physical threat to people. Said John Hegeman, who is responsible for news stories and the analysis of Facebook publications in the press, which could be, for example, false allegations of crimes or unfounded accusations that could lead to to violent actions, as it happened with the "pizzagate." This makes a difference in the operation of the company, because until now, only the exposure of this news was reduced without eliminating them.

The announcement comes at a delicate time for the social network: its creator and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has recently made statements with an ambiguous stance on those who deny the Holocaust , tand is that Facebook has been accused of doing nothing or nothing to prevent the spread of videos on its platform inciting hatred or violence against ethnic groups. Lanka or Myanmmar. It is precisely in Sri Lanka that we will begin to eliminate the content that can lead to physical violence.

Gray areas

Since the company also claims that "the extremes are bad: we can not leave everything that is published unchanged, but we can not examine each of the millions daily publications. "That's why they use machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze the information displayed. If, from these analyzes, it appears that a certain type of publication may be a problem." false news, alerts are activated.If you do not comply with the publication rules that the company has published and continuously updated and if they "also cause physical damage to a person, the content should not be on the platform, "he adds, sometimes the false news arrives disguised (with an ironic language or pointing for example to a valid link), it requires a second control, this time made by a human being, who analyzes the information and checks whether it is wrong or not.

There are a lot of gray areas and different laws in every country where Facebook is present, so we need all the help possible, "Tessa told reporters Lyons, product manager of the company. That is why they check if the sources of information are reliable (for example, if they come from a recognized information site), and if they talk about this topic about d & # 39; other websites or media. To this, he also adds that it is the community itself that helps identify the false news, with the tools that are at the top of the publications view, allowing to check where it comes from. # 39; information.

We will start working with our audit partners to use's Claim Review, an open source framework used by several technology companies for data verification, "adds Lyons.

Other items added by Facebook in this crusade against the false news is the verification of the elements that appear in the photos and videos (which allow them to detect if a photo or a video was intentionally manipulated, to take action in this regard) something that they are already doing in 4 countries, as well as alliances with governments and non-governmental organizations that carry out their own analysis to confirm whether a story is true or false, something that is done in Argentina next to Check.

Limits of false viral news on Whatsapp

Facebook's instant messaging service has also been in the last few months under the microscope for various cases of reports, rumors and false news circulating non-stop between WhatsApp users and groups. For this reason, the company decided to start notifying users if a message was sent to differentiate the content generated by a friend or relative from those created by a third party.

In turn, users will not be able to transmit a text message more than 20 times, a stricter limit in India, with only five contacts or groups.

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