Sovereign Field Fairs assisted 138 thousand families across the country – Correo del Orinoco


Grantees purchased food from the basic basket, including vegetables, bread, fish, chicken, eggs, personal hygiene products and household goods at fair prices

Mayerlin Arias, Minister of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture, informed Saturday

Arias pointed out that 260 Sovereign Field Fairs have been developed nationwide and will bring about 550 tons of food through the popular market.

"We are going to benefit 138 thousand families who represent for us the return of everyday life that the economic war wanted to take away from us," said Arias.

The distribution of these products is advanced in the fight against the economic war imposed by the empire. He also pointed out that these solidarity awards are offered to communities through the work they do directly with the producers of the estate.

Mercal Obrero

Workers and students of the National Institute of Training and Education The Socialists (Inces) of Caricuao were treated this Saturday by a day Food Market Network (Mercal), during which daily diet products were sold at solidarity prices.

Recipients bought food from the basic basket, including vegetables, bread, fish, chicken, eggs and personal hygiene products and household cleaning at fair prices through the government Bolivarian who guarantees food to the people despite the sanctions and blockades applied by international law.

"This day of Mercal Obrero, developed at the headquarters of Inces, located in Caricuao, attended, in addition to the workers, students" We thank the Bolivarian government, because it is the only one who has does the work for the people and here we are still fighting for our community and for our work, "said José Ruiz, beneficiary of this day, country, because yes, you can get out of this crisis imposed by imperialism yankee. "

The Sovereign Field Fairs are an initiative implemented by the national government through the Ministries of Food, Communes, Productive Agriculture and Urban Agriculture. , Fisheries and Aquaculture to Counter Speculation in Food Distribution and Marketing Processes

T / Luis Ángel Yáñez
F / Luis Franco
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