Statement by the National Network of Indigenous Peoples in Support of Willy Morales' Complaint


The national network of indigenous peoples RENPO Chile supports the denunciation of Brother Willy Morales and calls to protest against the public policies on HIV / AIDS of the Ministry of Health.

On behalf of the National Aboriginal Peoples Network to Address HIV / AIDS, we offer our full support to our brother-in-law brother, Willy Morales, who is currently seriously hospitalized for the HIV / AIDS treatment experience being development by the ministry. health and especially from the Minister of Health, who has not been concerned about finding out on the ground about the real situation in our country and therefore generating public health policies that are not do not correspond to the current reality.

That is why we inform you that on November 30, we will meet before the Ministry of Health to return them all the alternative medicines against HIV / AIDS they gave us, which has caused us serious health problems . This is happening with our brother and companion, Willy Morales, who struggles between life and death because of changes to his medications that the Ministry of Health believed or thought was the best solution for us.

As a form of manifestation and repudiation not to include ourselves in decision-making as an aboriginal people as to what is good for us in our health, we will meet on the 30th to give them back all the medicines. of the HIV they gave us, which hurt us a lot.

RENPO Chile is a big hug and we urge our brother Willy Morales to continue his fight because behind him we are here to support him.

Yes you, Minister, do not deign to give us face and give us a space as indigenous peoples so we can decide our health, we will have to look for other ways, others mechanisms to make us listen.

You can check the video with the complaint of Willy Morales:


Tai Riroroko Pakarati

Spokesperson of the National Network of Indigenous Peoples RENPO Chile

Clinical Hospital San Borja Arriarán, November 26, 2018.

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