Statement | Venezuela rejected Pompeo's letter before celebration of Venezuelan independence


Katiuska Garavito .- The Government of Venezuela expressed in a statement that it rejects the assaults by the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo who, by means of A message claims to ignore the Remember, as part of the commemoration of Venezuela's Independence Day, Pompeo wrote: "We offer the people of Venezuela our decisive support for the realization of his freedom. Venezuela is historically at a critical point. Even before a dictatorial regime, you keep moving forward … The United States accompanies the people of Venezuela. We will work with our regional and international partners to help realize the future of peace, democracy and prosperity they deserve . "

According to the letter, Venezuela strongly repudiated these declarations:" the patriotic date in which all the Venezuelan people unite to celebrate their inalienable right to independence, "he said. Self-determination, sovereignty, national identity and dignity, as well as the glorious legacy of their liberators, is more than an opportunity to reiterate and remind the empires that it was 207 years ago We have decided that our irrevocable will to be free. "

We make ours the words of our liberator:" As I love freedom, I have noble and liberal sentiments; and if I tend to be severe, it is only with those who intend to destroy us reads part of the communique issued by the Venezuelan Chancellery [19659004] #COMMUNICATED | Venezuela rejects statement of state secretary Mike Pompeo # SieteLineasEstrategicas

– Chancellery ?? (@CancilleriaVE) July 7, 2018 [19659006TheBolivarianRepublicofVenezuelarejectsthestatementoftheUSSecretaryofStateMikePompeowhoaspirestoignoretheinstitutionsoftheVenezuelanstateandthelegitimatewillofhispeopleexpressedagainandagainofAlegitimateconstitutionalparticipatoryprotagonistandpeacefulwayOnJuly5patrioticdatewhereallVenezuelansgathertocelebratetheirinalienablerighttoindependenceself-determinationsovereigntythe39nationalidentityanddignityaswellasthegloriouslegacyofitsliberatorsismorethananoccasiontorecallandremindtheempiresthat207yearsagowehavedecidedourwillirrevocabletobefree[19659002LeVenezuelanerenoncerajamaisàdénoncerledoublestandardimmoraldugouvernementaméricainquidansunevoitureaccordéeàunrôledepolicemondialentendjugerillégitimementlessystèmespolitiqueséconomiquesetsociauxqu'ilappartientauxPeuplesdedécider[19659007]. United States of America the immediate cessation of its illegal and criminal blockade against the people of Venezuela, while we support a bilateral dialogue based on mutual respect. The Venezuelan people are paired with the American people in the values ​​of freedom and democracy, but we will never accept impositions or give up an ounce of our sacred sovereignty.

We make ours the words of our Liberator: "As I love freedom, noble and liberal sentiments; and if I have a tendency to be severe it is only with those who intend to destroy us. "

Caracas, July 5, 2018

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