Sugar concussion for the sexual abuse of a girl | HOLY CROSS


A nine-year-old girl of varying abilities was sexually abused and her abuser cut off her tongue. According to police authorities, the event, which caused stirring, was recorded in Sucre.

The City Development Director, Nelly Toro, told the EFE agency that residents are "affected by what happened" since the victim is a minor who "has Down's Syndrome" ".

"The rapist cut off his tongue so that he could not warn his parents of the assault," said the official.

Toro indicated that the complaint was public. On Friday and the aggressor, aged 23, appeared before a prudential judge who ordered his pre-trial detention in the prison of Sucre, relatives seek justice and receive support. n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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