Syria blocks Israeli bombings in the Quneitra region | news


The Syrian Defense Force responded on Wednesday to an Israeli air strike against the military colonies of Hadar and Juba in the region of ] Quneitra southwest of Syria .

Syrian troops reported that they managed to block all Israeli attacks perpetrated with unmanned aircraft ( drones ) However, the bombings caused material damage to the aircraft. # 39; s infrastructure.

"The Israeli enemy aircraft fired several missiles at certain positions of the army," said a military source quoted by local media SANA

. 70 reporters are trapped in the regions of Quneitra and Daraa after the closure of the border between Israel and Jordan. Photo: Hispantv

>> Syria takes control of the Nisib border crossing with Jordan

For its part, Israel has confirmed the attack and the launch of missiles in Syrian territory, after he will identify a plane from ] Syria on its territory the day before

"The Israel Defense Forces ( FDI ) attacked three Syrian army positions in response to an intrusion from a Syrian drone intercepted on Wednesday, "justified the Israeli snack by means of a statement.

This is the second attack perpetrated by FDI against Syria in less than a week, last Sunday attacked the Tiyas military base (T-4), in the state of Homs, liberated area of ​​terrorism.

Last week bombings between the two countries intensified after the serious situation that persists at the border of Israel and Syria, where the troops of Damascus managed to advance successfully defeating the terrorist cells of the so-called Islamic State ( Daesh by its acronym in Arabic).


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