Take care of your sun skin with these tips


Experts warn that performing a self-examination of the skin is the first step in the detection of this pathology.

They also explain that 90% of all skin cancers are due to ultraviolet radiation exposure. . Most of these cancers appear after the age of about 50 years, but the damage caused by the sun on the skin starts much earlier. Therefore, prevention measures are fundamental ¡Skin has memory!

Fundamental tips for sun exposure

• Use products with the good solar factor on our skin: During the early days of summer should be used products with a sun protection factor high (30 or 50). They should contain an extra filter against UVA rays, which cause long-term damage.

• Avoid lunchtime: Outdoor activities such as walking, cycling or walking on the beach are highly recommended. They should be made early in the morning or in the afternoon, avoiding exposure between 12 pm and 4 pm, where the rays are more intense.

• Wear sunglasses for the sun: glasses that comply with applicable European Directives that must specify the category of the filter. Remember that for them to be of good quality, they must not be the most expensive. We recommend going to specialized stores.

• Wear light clothing and wear hats: you need to wear comfortable clothing such as shirts and pants that are light and flexible and that provide freshness. Avoid using dark colors that attract heat. Use a hat or hat to cover the head.

• Moisturize properly: Heat stroke causes the body to remove fluid, which causes dehydration. It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 liters of water, especially if physical activity is performed.

• Take care of your diet: It is important to eat foods rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene, polyphenols and lycopene. protect the skin Let's not forget vitamin C, which consumes citrus fruits, strawberries, grapes, kiwi, legumes or green fruits.

Remember! On sunny days or with the clouds of the year, the sun's rays continue to reach the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to apply sunscreen daily, especially in areas such as the face, neck, arms and neck.

Source: We


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