Take note! Home remedies for fleshy eyes (+ details)


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( Caracas, July 10. News24 ) .- The pulp or Pterygium in the eyes is a disease that causes a fleshy tissue to cover the eye (the conjunctiva ), causing pain, dryness and even vision problems. Spend long hours in front of the computer that the eyes come into contact with large amounts of dust, dry eyes;

If you have a fleshy eye, it is essential that you consult an ophthalmologist, but you can complete the indicated treatment with these home remedies for the fleshy eyes and eliminate it more quickly. Take note.


It is important that the honey you use is pure and preservative free. The only thing you should do is apply a drop of honey a day in each eye and let it work. Do it for 15 days and you will be satisfied with the effect.

Chamomile Tea

Put water to heat, add two chamomile envelopes and wait until it cools down a bit. Remove the bags and apply on closed eyelids. Leave on for twenty minutes and remove to lukewarm water. Do it at least twice a day for two weeks

Parsley Tea

Heat up three cups of water, add a bunch of parsley, just before the water boils, wait a few minutes and remove the fire Take a cup at each meal for a month.

Do not think twice, bet on these home remedies for fleshy eyes and accelerate their natural disappearance.

According to information from ] Health180

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