Taylor Swift reveals her worst nightmare


Taylor Swift was chosen to appear on the cover of Harper's Bazaar but this is not just the important thing in this issue of August. Taylor says more about her and, more importantly, revealed her worst nightmare now that she's famous and successful.

In the interview of Harper's Bazaar with Pattie Boyd Taylor Swift spoke about his process for being able to compose a song. The singer c found that many times this is based on the experiences that surround her, on the learning she is acquiring and on unexplainable times that she lives with a person

"Many songs are things you learn, structures, and culture, and you know how to create a song, but there are magical and magical moments, inexplicable moments in which a completely formed idea appears. simply in your head. "

His way of composing remains the same as when he was 12 years old although of course he knows that now he could become more complicated, with his usual method, he would not be able to do anything. had no problem making songs.

"It can be complicated at any other level the same uncomplicated process that I had when I was 12 years old writing songs in my room."

Taylor, as usual, will not always compose songs of all peoples and they cross each other, often they are only people who become very important to her and motivate her to write about them. Joe Alwyn is one of them

In addition to knowing the process of Taylor 's creativity, she also confessed what is her worst fear in life now that she is super famous Pattie Boyd recounted the interview when they pulled her hair and kicked her at a concert of The Beatles by a fan who did not like him.

Taylor Swift says it's his worst nightmare, having to live this stuff because of fame:

"It's my worst nightmare, you probably thought: & ### If you knew me and I knew you, you'd be pulling my hair in an alley and saying: "I hate you."

Do you think Tay is a victim of Violence of this magnitude?

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