Teachers resume unemployment for 48 hours today


Representatives of the Federation of University Teachers' Associations of Venezuela, the Association of Professors of UCV and the Federation of University Workers, as well as administrative staff and the union from the various autonomous universities of the country gathered at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, to claim the increase due in the salary table, which covers the basic needs of teachers. They also requested that the benefits provided by the collective agreement be respected.

The president of Fapouv, Lourdes Ramírez de Viloria, as well as the secretary for information and acts of the organization, Keta Stephany, presented to the director two documents the deputy of OPSU , Francar Martínez, in which they demand the readjustment of the salaries of all the professors of university.

"We request that the Minister of Education, Hugbel Roa, take up his duties and take on the urgent needs that he presents to the education sector. we are proposing a new pay table and we hope that it covers at least the basic basket and that it guarantees the benefits mentioned in the contract, "said Ramírez, and informed that to date they still paralyze activities for 48 hours.

University professors began a phased and split strike on June 25 (when the health staff also began the conflict indefinitely), protesting that the government is not responding to their demands and Not allow the budget that they ask the country's study houses.

Mercedes Ramos, executive secretary of the Experimental Pedagogical University of Libertador de Caracas, rejected the current salary earned by the administrative staff and ensured that every day the situation worsened. "In addition to being an administrative employee, I am the mother of a son who is in high school and my salary is not enough to buy a notebook or pencil. I want to offer you a better education and a good quality of life, but with this crisis, it is impossible, "said Ramos.

UPEL union spokesman, Freddy Marcano, asked the ministerial authorities to respect and guarantee the constitutional rights of university workers He has requested the resignation of Minister Hugbel Roa

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