Tebow to surgery; the rest of the countryside would be lost


New York.- Tim Tebow will be operated on by one hand today, ending his hopes of starting this year in the big leagues with the New York Mets.

The 30-year-old outfielder will go to the operating room in New York, in order to have the hamate bone removed from his right hand, in which he suffered a fracture on Thursday, when he beat the Binghamton team in a game against Trenton in the Eastern League of the Double A.

The former NFL player, who won the Heisman Trophy in college football , beat .273 with six homers and 36 RBIs in 84 games for Binghamton. On July 11, during the League of East All-Star Game, he scored twice.

"The payback period goes from six to eight weeks, so in actual terms, his season is over," said the deputy director. General Mets, John Ricco, after Tebow was examined yesterday at the Special Surgery Hospital.

Tebow hit .301 in June for the Rumble ponies, and .340 for 15 games in July.

Céspedes undergoes further analysis

Yoenis Céspedes underwent an MRI yesterday and was examined by a specialist to determine if surgery would be required on both feet, which would mean that eight to 10 months of Activity would be lost with the Mets. New York.

"I guess we'll see if it's progressed to the point where we can not deal with the conservative treatment we've used," said Mets Deputy Executive Director John Ricco. He fired a home race on Friday in the Yankees win. This meeting of visit marked the return of the player of the list of wounded, having missed two months by a traction on the flexor muscle of the right hip.

After the encounter, Cespedes revealed that the calcifications of both ankles disturbed him 15 years and caused injuries in the lower part of the body. It has been limited to 119 commitments in a season and a half since the signing of a $ 110 million contract over four years

Syndergaard contracts foot-and-mouth disease

In the most recent unusual episode on the front Noah Syndergaard, a New York Mets physician, was again placed on the disabled list after being infected with the hand, foot and mouth.

The team suspects Syndergaard of contracting the contagious virus when a children's baseball camp was introduced last Thursday during the all-star break. Mets manager Mickey Callaway said it was probably the cause of Syndergaard's speeding down during Friday's victory at Yankee Stadium

"The hands, feet and mouth, really "I guess it's unusual for adults, period," Callaway said Sunday. "It's kind of weird – it's perhaps the first major league loss because of hand disease and foot-and-mouth disease, I do not know. "

According to WebMD.com, the disease is a contagious disease" that is common in children under 10 years old and is characterized by small sores on the palms, soles and mouth. symptoms include fever, sore throat and headaches. "

Syndergaard, who missed most of last season for a torn muscle, has just been reinstated from the list of injured on July 13 after missing more than two weeks Six weeks with a sprained ligament on his right index finger He is 6-1 with a 2.89 ERA in 13 starts this year by the disgruntled Mets at the bottom of the division East of the National League

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