Telegram Passport will allow you to wear your official credentials on your mobile phone


The Message Service Telegram has a new tool that will help people to have their passport and their official identification on hand, without them needing to always physically load the documents.

The name of this addendum is Passport and it will work as a portfolio that will contain important documents within it, in order to speed up the process of hiring, identifying and even purchase of certain items in person or via the network. [19659002] The mission with which Telegram Passport was developed, is that users leave aside the tedious and slow procedures that are performed whenever you need to know the identity of a person.

So, to make this more agile, you should only scan your personal documents, so that they are stored in the application and can be used in as soon as necessary.

In the event that a person must be identified, she must only enter her password in the application and choose the type of information that she wishes to share with the service; to do all this, the company explained that Passport is efficient and extremely safe, so there is nothing to worry about.

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The so-called digital wallet, will facilitate the procedure performed by companies, where the immediate sending of an official identification is required to perform the transaction necessary; This is so that each user can have several of his documents in digital version, whether it be a driver's license, a passport or even bank documents.

Currently, it's the only utility Passport has, but we expect little. little by little, more and more tools will be added to position themselves in the list of essential features that smartphones should have today.

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