Ten dead and hundreds of homes destroyed by a mudslide in Afghanistan


July 12, 2018 – 5:30 am

  Ten dead and hundreds of homes destroyed by a landslide in Afghanistan

Photo: Agencies

A landslide caused by the overflow of a lake from Mountain At least 10 dead and dragged "hundreds of houses" in the Panjshir Valley, north of Afghanistan announced Thursday the Ministry of Natural Disasters.

"We confirmed 10 dead and hundreds of homes destroyed," said ministry spokesman Omar Mohamadi.

"He was due, he said, to a sudden rise in water from the lake above the village of Peshghor, in the district of Khenj, the snow due to the high temperatures of the summer.

"The water overflowed and caused a landslide that has invaded the village. "

Two helicopters were sent to the site to assess the damage and an emergency meeting to organize the rescue operations" and save those who are buried under the rubble or to the house, "added the spokesperson

" We put all our resources at our disposal, but as always, the local population from neighboring villages who came with shovels to help the survivors. "


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