Tension rises in Nicaragua to attack students who left two dead


Tension increased in Nicaragua today after the death of two students in an armed attack on a church in Managua, where these youths were refugees with journalists and priests to escape the crackdown forces loyal to the government of Daniel Ortega

"Unfortunately, two young people, today in the morning, lost their lives, two others were wounded," said Nicaraguan Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, in a summary of the attack perpetrated by a group of police and paramilitaries against refugee university students in the parish of Divine Mercy Church in Managua.

For us (as a Catholic church) is lamentable and we have said it many times: not one more death, "added Brenes, also archbishop of Managua, in reference to the socio-political crisis Nicaragua, the bloodiest since the 1980s, has suffered at least 351 victims since April 18.

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The youths – who were locked up last night at the church, with a dozen comrades, three journalists, doctors and priests – died after receiving accurate blows According to religious

The other students were managed to get out in vehicles, vans and a bus to the Metropolitan Cathedral, escorted by the bishops and the Nicaraguan Red Cross, mediated by the bishopric

. a crowd amidst religious chants, the Nicaraguan anthem and singing protest songs like "The united people will never be defeated" – they were locked in the temple for more than 16 hours and were kissed by their loved ones .

Students from the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) later reported that four students were expelled by paramilitary groups after leaving the church where they were besieged.

The auxiliary bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez, told the government of Daniel Ortega to cross "the limit of the inhuman and the immoral"
. ] "The criminal crackdown since Friday night against civilians, most students, is reprehensible from all points of view.The international community can not be indifferent!" Denounced the religious Twitter.

For Baez, "what happened last night with the criminal attacks of police and parapolice against students" in the parish, causing injuries and deaths "Faced with the worsening of the grave human rights crisis in Nicaragua, we call on the international community to express itself and demand that the state respect and guarantee the rights of its people, "said Antonia Urrejola, rapporteur . for Nicaragua to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), in a message via Twitter

Executive Secretary of the IACHR, Paulo Abrão, denounced that hooded and parapolitic policemen had been coordinated yesterday evening to suppress "violence violently" including the indigenous community of Monimbó, in the town of Masaya (southeast), and the students who were He said that these attacks were "inadmissible" and urged the Nicaraguan state to stop shooting

. Brazil, Chile and Costa Rica deplored these attacks separately.

Source: www.latercera.com

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