Terror in Carazo • The new newspaper


Dozens of trucks armed with hooded civilians, accompanied by police officers, burst in at 5:30 am in the cities of Diriamba, Dolores and Jinotepe to execute the so-called "clean-up operation" of barricades and barricades that anti-government protesters installed more than a month ago.

"We have at least 14 dead, but they can be more numerous. They include, at least, an anti-riot, a paramilitary and two police officers, "told AFP Vilma Núñez, president of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh)

: "They swept all the barricades. There are more deaths who have not been able to confirm their identity. There are a number of prisoners and wounded. A disaster, "added Núñez

Another agency, the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH) estimated that there were at least 30 wounded.

Operation took place a day after the announcement by President Daniel Ortega continue to "fight for peace, so that these places disappear from all over Nicaragua" where are barricades and dams produced demonstrations.

 In Diriamba, Jinotepe and Dolores, the population lived long hours of terror this Sunday Courtesy  END

The parishes of Santiago and San Antonio, in Jinotepe, and the parish of San Sebastián, at Diriamba, rang the bells of the attacks.These temples were besieged by para-police groups for several hours, denounced cardinal Leopoldo Brenes in Managua

Among the dead are the police Hilario Zavala and Faber López according to the police through the official media

. Jinotepe confirmed the death of Luis Acevedo, 29, a renowned English teacher and father of three children. Two other victims were identified as José Luis Mojica García, 18, and José María Campos

The hooded arrived armed with rifles, submachine guns and grenades of high caliber, according to witnesses. Several drones flew over the cities, said villagers who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals.

In the port of Hertilandia, located at the exit of San Marcos, pro-government armed civilians decimated the young protesters.

In the neighborhoods La Competencia, Cruz de Guadalupe, entered the community El Dulce Number (Panamericana Sur highway), Ana Virgen Noble and the San José sector, the barricades were removed, so these territories were under the control of the hooded

In the School of San Jose School, exit north of the city, they also dismantled barricades, took the center of study and appropriated a post improvised medicine that served the Protestants.

The Antonio Román Matus Hospital "In Memoriam" (Harmin) was controlled by the police to prevent the treatment of the wounded, according to

According to witnesses, dozens of vans that had been blocked a month ago on the road between Diriamba and Jinotepe were removed from the road, to facilitate the passage of heavy machinery. riot police and hooded men to dismantle the barricades.

In Diriamba

Unlike previous attacks, this time at Diriamba, shock forces stormed the city center and outlying areas.

The Diriamba clock square was taken by hooded men. They clashed with demonstrators in the area of ​​Las Palmeras, La Mascota, La Libertad, at the junction of San Gregorio, San Francisco, Santa Juana and San Jose, at the exit of La Boquita.

Unlawful detentions

Barricades and barricades lifted, riot police and hooded men broke into several houses in Jinotepe and Diriamba to arrest youths on a list, denounced # 39; ANPDH.

A group of men was taken to the police station. Cuatro Esquinas, San Marcos, where they were beaten and forced to undress, neighbors reported with photographs published on social networks.

"The number of kidnappings, missing and wounded is undefined, it is We are working on it.It is a carnage that they committed in Carazo, a very serious violation of human rights, "said Alvaro Leiva, of the ANPDH, Sunday night.

The human rights activist denounced that a group of hooded people barred the access of personnel technical report of this organization to the municipalities of Diriamba and Jinotepe

Condemning attacks

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemned the attack and again called on the government to dismantle the irregular forces

"The crackdown continues in Nicaragua Police-backed pro-government armed groups penetrate massively into the cities Shots and bursts of bullets Yesterday Matagalpa Now around Jinotepe and Diriamba ICDR Executive Secretary Paulo Abrão wrote on Twitter

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights echoed the request of the IACHR Both agencies expressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the request "to observe the rotection of the life and physical integrity of the people of Carazo, "said Mr. Abrão. [ad_2]
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