Also on MSN: Is it true that Thalia has bad breath? Video of the television picture

The smile is one of its most common features, but this time, Thalia has been removed. The singer, almost always happy and positive, showed that there were also things that did not feel good and that she had no problem saying them loud and clear if necessary.

The Mexican came this weekend, like many others, to see a movie at the cinema. To his surprise, the place where he was going to sit was very succinct, filled with tomatoes, popcorn and others. Although she transmitted it, no one is in charge of it. So he decided to record this video for his followers, saying that it does not happen in a place where hundreds of people pass.

"I grabbed a bag because the seat that hit me was disgusting, full of grease, food and hot dog and they did not want to clean it," says Thalía indignantly.

The artist did not think twice and went to the cleaning room of the cinema to take this giant garbage bag with which to uphold the seat. The pictures show that his space was filled with garbage and that the seat was stained with drink. A really unpleasant situation.

Despite the uncomfortable situation, Thalia ended up joking and taking a picture in the plastic seat that she created for the situation. Finally, he saw his film and everything was reduced to an anecdote, but without forgetting the importance of respecting coexistence and being more careful.

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