Thanks to the sound of the phone keypad, hackers could crack keys – El Diario de Guayana


A recent study by researchers from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) and Linkoping University (Sweden) concludes that Android device microphones can be used to capture the vibrations that occur when using the virtual keyboard in a virtual environment. phone or tablet, which would allow hackers to hear the user's use of the device.

The recorded sound waves can be interpreted in the area of ​​the touch screen, on which it has touched and on the keys on which it has pressed. In this sense, hackers could use acoustic signals or sound waves generated when the user taps on the keypad of his phone to collect text messages, passwords, PINs and other confidential information.

These attacks could occur if smartphone users were downloading an application infected with a "malware", which would have access to sensors found in smartphones, such as microphones, accelerometers and gyroscopes.

The study was conducted with 45 participants in a real environment and allowed to recover numeric codes, letters and words with some accuracy. The researchers deciphered seven out of ten attempts on seven of the 27 passwords on an Android smartphone and 19 out of 27 on an Android tablet, thanks to an automatic learning algorithm that had evaluated each vibration.

This study is pending review, but is available online at the Cornell University Archives. N24

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