"That's what depression looks like": a woman shares a devastating image on Facebook and becomes viral


Brittany Ernsperger, a 25-year-old American, wanted to show her contacts on Facebook what depression is by downloading a rapidly viral image

"That's what depression looks like. Clean dishes, but in that there were a lot of dishes in the beginning that I had two weeks without washing, "he wrote with a photograph of dishes, fountains and stoves in the kitchen.

In this sense, he said that he suffers from depression and that during this period of days he did not want to do anything, until guilt invaded him. "I felt defeated, useless and lazy."

In addition, he said that he also had not accomplished his daily tasks and he questioned the fact that he Nor had she had any interaction with her children during those two weeks. that people who suffer from depression are not "weak", but only need a "break".

Brittany's reflection made over 85 thousand likes and 200 thousand shared on Facebook.

as.n ° Not the clean dishes.But these are so many dishes in the first place; …

Posted by Brittany Ernsperger on Saturday, June 30, 2018

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