The ANC will debate strategic lines of action on Wednesday


.N .- The Standing Committees of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) will debate on Wednesday the seven lines of strategic action presented by the President Nicolás Maduro

Pedro Carreño, political coordinator of the Constituent Assembly, ordered the commissions "to give a thorough and in-depth debate", to develop a document with the proposals to be presented at a special session next Wednesday, the 18th, at 10 o'clock in the morning. 19659004] "Presidents or spokespersons of the commissions will present the results and present the recommendations to the coordination of the bloc, and we will prepare a document to send it, one to the executive power as recommendations of the committee. ANC, and the other at the IVth Congress of the Psuv ", specified.

Similarly, Carreño informed that on Tuesday morning, they met the presidents of the Legislative Councils, to strengthen the

goal, he said, "is to go to Beyond our border with the constituent debates, for that it is essential that, in a peremptory time, we have the regional and municipal constituent committees constituted On the other hand, the first vice-president of the ANC, Tania Diaz, announced that Andrés Eloy Méndez will assume the presidency of the Economic Commission to replace Eduardo Piñate and Julio García will assume the presidency of the Economic Commission, presidency of the Trusteeship Commission effective

During the session of the on Tuesday, voters approved an agreement to reject the "judicial kidnapping" of the former Brazilian president Lula Da Silva.

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