The ANC will hold workshops on seven key issues for the country


Caracas .- Next week, the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) will establish working groups in seven key areas to generate concrete proposals that contribute to national stability, informed Pedro Carreño, President of the Commission of Public Power

In an interview with the program José Vicente Hoy broadcast by Televen, explained that among the topics to be discussed are the economic, political, social, international, territorial and priorities in the strategic lines of action for the period 2019-2025.

"We will go to plenary to prepare a document that goes in two directions: the first, the recommendations to the national government, and the second to feed the discussion of the IV Congress of the PSUV", he explained.

In this sense, Carreño stated that the conclusions of the working groups will encourage thoughtful debates on the possible solutions to the problems faced by Venezuelans, because of the financial blockade and the diplomatic aggressions which, in their opinion, are based on the stranger against the nation.

The discussion days respond to a request from the President of the ANC, Diosdado Cabello, who said that the plenipotentiary body should be placed "up to the expectations of the people".

In this new phase, the ANC plans to move forward in developing proposals that support the actions of the Executive Branch and the continuity of the Bolivarian Revolution.

War actions

On the other hand, Carreño felt that before the attacks received by the orchestrated country from abroad, they deserve extraordinary measures on the part of state institutions.

"If it's a war I think it's time for us to take war actions," said before mentioning some "electronic warfare units with advanced technology" belonging to Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), which can be used to "hack and inoculate a thousand Trojans (viruses)" to pages that cause damage. in the country among which was distinguished that of Dolar Aujourd & # 39; hui.

Finally, he pointed out that institutions such as the Sundde are anachronistic, "he stayed on time," he said; therefore, he does not consider them as effective tools for dealing with the unconventional war that he believes Venezuela is facing.

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