The announcement of the automobile census: Another letter under the sleeve of Maduro


Already the government has announced a possible increase in gasoline. Now, a national census of the automobile. The first president, Nicolás Maduro, announced it during the IV Congress of the Socialist Party. That would be another letter in his sleeve. It would be Friday, August 3rd.

All people who have a vehicle must go on Friday, August 3, Saturday, and Sunday, May 4 and Sunday 5 at the places that will be announced publicly.

The measure would be part of a new national energy policy. For Maduro, Venezuela is experiencing the longest, most sustained and deepest revolutionary process in its history

"On February 27, 2019, we will commemorate the 30th anniversary of the national popular rebellion that our people have waged. It is the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the longest, most sustained and deepest revolutionary cycle in the history of Venezuela, "said the president.

But the situation of the country reveals the opposite: Venezuela is positioned as one of the poorest countries and with an exodus of Venezuelans, who estimate that more than five thousand inhabitants cross daily the borders for a better future .

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