The best tips to combat jet lag during your holidays


Adjust your schedule

If you are among those who know you will suffer from jet lag, take preventive measures: a few days before your trip, anticipate your bedtime (if you fly to the airport) Is) or retrasala (if you go to the west), so you will approach your schedule of where you are going to travel, and when you get there you will have a part of it. adaptation made.

In any case, remain

The jet lag produces fatigue because of the difficulty of sleeping at undue hours, so try not to wear more accumulated fatigue that will further complicate your first days of vacation. Try to sleep well in the days before your trip and, in case you have trouble sleeping the first few days at your destination, it will not be so devastating.

Sleeping in the Air

A long trip is a good excuse to take a nap. If you are one of those who do not sleep easily while traveling, get ready in advance: no coffee or stimulants, do not take the plane after eating all the chocolate from the airport , wear comfortable and cool clothes (not very cool, sometimes air conditioning) (19659003) Drink water and avoid alcohol

During the trip, the atmosphere of the plane can make you dry. Drink water like there was no tomorrow! Anything that helps you find yourself more comfortable and clearer will be helpful. Of course, try to get rid of alcohol so you do not get tired of the count when you land.

In your destination, do what others do

Once arrived, if the trip was very long, you might feel the temptation to lie down to sleep … Do not do it! Or rather, do it alone if that's what folks do. If not, you can finish getting rid of your schedule and it will cost you more to adapt. Instead, if there is activity, stay active: take a walk, or swim, or eat something light. Try to catch the local beat as soon as possible.

Make Light Meals

On your first few days of vacation, try light meals so you do not feel too heavy and tired at improbable times. High-protein lunches and abundant fruits and vegetables will make you feel full, help maintain some gastrointestinal regularity (something that is also affected by the trip), and give you energy without getting sick.

Short Naps, But Without Passing

Taking a nap at noon can help you keep pace and stay awake until the night, especially the first few days the body still needs to be naked. get used to the new time, but try to be brief, between half an hour and one hour. If you succeed, you can optimize the hours. We all woke up from a nap that was completely disoriented when it was done at night.

Source: vitonica / MF

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