The & Bolick & # 39; is offered to the Paraguayan team | Football | Sports


The Colombian coach Hernán Darío Gómez, who recently led Panama to the World Cup in Russia and who is preparing to lead the Ecuadorian national team, also arouses the interest of the team. another South American federation, just like businessman Gustavo Gallo. ABC Cardinal radio station in Paraguay, according to information broadcast on social networks yesterday.

"Bolillo Gómez is a friend of mine and I asked him for permission to propose his name to the Paraguayan Federation and he would like to lead the selection," the media officer

told Gallo. He was looking for a meeting with the president of the Paraguayan Football Federation so that he could advance on this issue: "He is not a dear technician., I think we can negotiate on the matter economic. "

The Colombian coach manages to lead at the World Cup in Russia with Panama and also looks strong to return to the Ecuadorian national team, who hopes to make an announcement after the World Cup .

"It's really a pride, it's one of the great teams in South America, it's one of the biggest options to be back in. World Cup (for Bolillo Gómez), especially the equipment that gives you options to return to a World Cup, "said Gallo in dialogue with the Paraguayan sports program. The Ecuafútbol did not comment on the supposed interest of Bolillo . (D)

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