The boys surprise with the double first "Aló" and "Trátame"


After the success achieved with Cerquita, Twerk and Dame Like, among others, the most important group of young people of the moment, Los Boys, pleases his fans with new singles.

Here is "Aló", a song whose lyrics, music and production were the responsibility of Baudhy Manzanilla, better known as Baudhy "The Harmonious Beast", while the mastering was by David Sánchez "Talio ".

The single that recently started playing on the country's radio stations is already being punctuated by Víctor's hardcore fans, Gabo and Nelson, who have continued to add admirers to their work.

"Aló" follows the same musical line of this trio which with fresh lyrics and catchy rhythms, leads the preference of the young audience.

Such is the success of Los Boys, that it is currently impossible not to listen to them on radio stations with themes that sound strongly, in the interpretations of Victor, Gabo and Nelson, as in various featurings that they did with other Creole talents, such as with the song "Trátame", that they recorded with singer Gustavo Elis and with which they are also premiere today. Now, although this time it is the release of the video of this piece.

The audiovisual production of "Trátame" was directed by director Poe Polanco, accompanied by an excellent technical team and had as protagonists of history the model Alexandra Sánchez Cardolla and Nelson "El Prince", accompanied, of course, by the other members of Los Boys, Víctor and Gabo, as well as Gustavo Elis, in what has undoubtedly resulted in work of excellent quality.

The Boys arrive at full speed with their musical work, their video clips and even television, since they have been typing in the afternoons for two months, at the Atomic program, from Monday to Friday at 4:00 pm , by Venevisión, the production "Los Boys en Realité", a space created in the style of real television, which shows the journey of Víctor, Gabo and Nelson in search of artistic success: their presentations, meetings with fans, trips across different territories In short, the daily life of this talented group seen from its own point of view.

Listen to "Aló" on your favorite radio station and / or via the link that will be on all Los Boys social networks.

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