The Caroní River has reached the red alert level


L at the Caroní River reached 12:60 meters above sea level (msnm), indicating a red alert. The Orinoco remained on yellow alert at 11:65, confirmed the director of civil protection in the municipality Angel Rodriguez.

El Correo del Caroní published that the sectors of the parishes Cachamay and Dalla Costa are the most vulnerable because of their proximity to river For the morning of Friday, some streets of the districts José Gregorio Hernández and Los Oleandros, in the band of Castillito, have highlighted the flooding of the river.

The waters have not only taken the streets, but also some homes that had to be evicted and families located in temporary shelters, others have moved into family homes, deploy the portal.

One of those affected in Miladis Lares, who lives in Los Oleandros with six other people. He mentioned that the flooding of the river had been gradual until this Friday, when his worry increased because the water level rose more and more quickly until it reached the end of the day. he almost went into his house. "We want them to come and tell us where to evacuate and not wait like last year when the water has invaded us, we do not want it." Last year, we went at the school Dr. Wenceslao Monserratte, so we see again that the river will enter. "

Emergency Preparedness attended on Thursday, but noted that they have not received any specific advice .

In the district of José Gregorio Hernández, known as El Cerrito, Ramón Romero remembers that every year they face the flooding of the river. He assures that they have received the support of the authorities, but as this has occurred in other sectors, the promise of a relocation is still not realized.

Romero is among those who refuse to leave the place where he has lived for 30 years. He had to leave and believes that this year will also affect them. "Some people have censuses to relocate them to San Felix and elsewhere, but people have the habit of living here."

María Guzmán, who lives in the same neighborhood, needs more attention. "I had never seen such a flood, we wanted to find a solution to the problem, I have a small child, they are injured because there are pests, mosquitoes, snakes, it gives malaria, dengue fever. "

Ciudad Guayana and having allowed for so many years the construction of housing in inadequate areas, today, his toll

More than 260 families affected

The Last balance offered by the Caroní Risk Committee Until July 23, 262 families were affected by floods, caused by rivers, but also by the obstruction of drains.

According to PC data, 65 families are housed in shelters in the parishes of Chirica, Cachamay and Dalla Costa, although the figure does not coincide with that treated in schools, which totals more than 100 families.

Caroni levels should be maintained until mid-August.

Read complete work in: Corr. eo del Caroní

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