The Church calls for unity to resolve the Venezuelan crisis


Caracas .- The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV), called Saturday at the unit to resolve the crisis that is going through the country and urged businessmen, politicians, military leaders and social to review their "mission" and assume

"We also called the political world, the business world, those who decide to join us to seek, say, the best for Venezuela and all that can help solve this serious crisis, "said Bishop Jose Luis Azuaje, president of the CEV who installed the Venezuelan Bishops' CX assembly, reported Efe.

We want to "draw attention to taking responsibility and reviewing one's own mission" businessmen, military, social leaders, etc., who each assume their responsibility, "Azuaje insisted in statements to reporters after the installation of the assembly.

The CEV reiterated that it believed in dialogue as a means of resolving conflicts, but said that this process only happens when the parties are willing to give in to something.

"Dialogue has its meaning the characteristics (…) when we dialogue to listen to each other, it is not a dialogue, when we enter a dialogue to do what the other says, this is not a dialogue, "said Azuaje, who stressed that the Church" will never refuse a dialogue "as long as she has the characteristics that define the process.

The CEV also called on the opposition to seek an internal dialogue and to find common elements because it said "that a driving force is needed" in the middle of the crisis in the country.

During the installation of the assembly, Azuaje criticized the lack of opposition proposals, pointing out that the leadership of the opposition is currently "fragmented "and" with individual projects. "

The Venezuelan opposition parties gathered in a grand alliance, the Democratic Unity Table (MUD), which still groups three of the major parties, separated from the coalition to form the same party. 39, other platforms. 7]

In addition to the MUD, there are other opposition platforms in Venezuela, the Concertación para el Cambio, led by former presidential candidate Henri Falcón; Sale Venezuela of the leader Maria Corina Machado and Antonio Ledezma, and the Frente Amplio Venezuela Libre.

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