The city of Coro celebrates 491 years of history


This 26th of July is the 491st anniversary of the Marianas City Santa Ana de Coro, capital of the state of Falcón,

Santa Ana de Coro is historically rich. It was the first capital of the province of Venezuela, founded by Juan de Ampíes in 1527; Since its foundation, it has become an urban center and operations of great importance in the colonial era. Moreover, it was the seat of the first bishopric founded in South America.

This warm, American land presents in its foundations a fusion of indigenous architectural techniques and styles with many of Spanish and Dutch origin.

The city received, in 1993, the title of Cultural Patrimony of Humanity, awarded by Unesco. This recognition, the first of its kind granted to a Venezuelan place, was granted for the value of the colonial constructions of the central zone, which still remain.

The word chorus is of Caquetío origin and means wind.

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