The collapse of the transport obeys "repeated scripts", according to Cabello | In the agenda


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Photo: Archive | Repository | EFE

The President of the National Constituent Assembly ( ANC ), Diosdado Cabello stated that the collapse of the transport sector is due to "scripts Destabilization already used. , in Chile during the government of Salvador Allende (1970-1973).

"They are repeated scripts, in Chile of Allende they did the same, they removed all the transport service, the trucks disappeared, Cabello said at a press conference in Caracas, questioned about the crisis affecting the transport sector in the oil country

"Here they tried to do it in Venezuela ", he added.

At least 90% of the 300,000 units that covered the country's various roads are in "technical standstill" due to the high cost of some spare parts and the lack of others, which he said in June of last year José Luis Trocel Secretary The Intergremial Transport Command

In the absence of units, private truckers and government agencies put into circulation the so-called "kennels", trucks of freight without minimum security for the movement of passengers, although no one likes "But the leaders of the revolution do not sit idle and seek a solution to meet a people who need it, they need," he said.

The people understand "what is happening", in reference to the alleged acts of sabotage that would be suffered by many sectors of the country's economy.

"The best answer of this people was the elections of May 20, how to weigh all the attacks on the electrical system, transportation, health, all attacks, people went to vote" for the re-election of the president Nicolás Maduro .

Venezuela The country with 1 As the world's largest proven oil reserves, it suffers from a severe economic crisis that results in a shortage staple foods, drugs, auto parts and even cash, the last two important phenomena of the transport crisis. galloping inflation, which could close by 1,000,000% in 2018, as warned today the International Monetary Fund, makes even more difficult access to increasingly scarce spare parts needed by transport units.

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