The Congress that will accompany the era of Iván Duque


Political Reform

The latest attempt at political reform was announced on February 16, 2017 and ended up being cast and criticized on November 29. The main reason put forward by the Special Electoral Mission, MEE, created by the Peace Agreement to deal with this reform, is that the initial goal of remedying the bad practices of politics has ended up being deflected with the time. [19659003NowhowevertheneedtoimplementthesechangesinthenewlegislaturebeganwiththediscussionofapoliticalreformintheinitialproposaloftheSEAtothemaincenters:

The first, the formation of three electoral institutions in which the National Register of Civil Status is maintained, but the Colombian Electoral Council is created, in charge of regulating these processes; and an electoral tribunal, of a judicial nature, that would resolve any disputes that arise.

The second, eliminates the preferential vote and increases from 166 to 173 representatives in the House.

The third relates to election financing. The MOEE proposed to involve it in a larger part of the state, both direct and indirect, in political parties and campaigns, in order to diminish the private interest.

Elisabeth Ungar one of the seven academics who composed the SME, pointed out that "it is optional for every government to make a political reform, as did Santos in its mandate."

This academic indicated that the changes are essential to the improvement of the party system, although she pointed out that there are several challenges. "Yes or yes, the question of the electoral organization must be changed, the CNE must be reformed, it has no political origin and all are not lawyers." be people who inspire trust, make it a court, with power and independence, as Mexico has done, "he said.

The Reform of Justice

The outbreak of the so-called toga wafer and the corruption that took place in the high courts in 2017 led several sectors of the country to demand a justice reform that will protect them from these scandals.

] However, President Juan Manuel Santos announced that he would lay the groundwork for this reform to be taken over by the next government, given that he had not not enough power in Congress to execute it, since at that time the interests of parliamentarians were directed to other directions.

For this, the outgoing administration left four axes. The first, to revive the Court of Aforados, with which the model of investigation is changed to officials with jurisdiction, eliminates the Commission of Prosecution of the House, about which there is a lot of complaints of his inefficiency, in just 27 years he issued a conviction against the former judge Jorge Pretelt

The second is to redefine the electoral powers of high courts, recalling that there are ten candidates for the controller and the prosecutor.

The third, proposes to set up a monitoring of the management of the judicial offices, improve the infrastructure, deepen transparency and advance decongestion.

The fourth point proposes to take measures in the field of education for lawyers to undergo ethical and moral training. For Jaime Arrubla former magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice, the reform demanded by the country is "structural and substantial, which involves touching constitutional aspects. The judicial system must be removed from political interference, which involves reforming the power structure in the courts and the election of certain judges. "

In this regard, he stressed that the new government must define the type of deciding whether Congress is the best way to run it or evaluate a constituent.

the status of l & # 39; opposition

This tool begins to work with the new Congress and should give sufficient guarantees to the communities to declare the opposition.

Initially, this rule allowed the Senate to be Gustavo Petro, ] who is said to be spearheading opposition to the government, and his vice-presidential formula, Ángela María Robledo. This law also guarantees that there is no change of opposition to the highest bidder, which is why it requires the parties to declare the National Electoral Council, CNE, s & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; they will favor the government, they will oppose or will remain independent. If it is an opposition, politicians can only be appointed to government positions 12 months after their resignation from their political organization. For Jaime Alberto Carrión, Professor in the Department of Political Science of the National University, this new Congress will have a dynamic that has never been seen before.

"He will become mainly the president of the opposition.The debates, beyond the thematic scenario, call for a bill or a reform, will become a speaker for these forces (parties) who declare against and want to use the privileges of the Statute. "

For Carrión, the risk that this entails is that there is a Congress that is less interested in legislative work, the treatment of laws and reforms, and which serves as a platform to accommodate ideologies and policies

"We will see a platform for ideas of opposition, which will be oriented towards a progressive ideology, close to the democratic left that the country, "he concluded.

Recall that opposition organizations will have rights to funding, access to public and private media, to information and official documentation and in response to inaccurate statements or attacks public, among others gabelas.


This Congress will have the task of balancing the development of the Peace Agreement with the FARC with the "adjustments" announced by the Uribistas and their allies.

Although the caucus of the elected president has maintained a speech contrary to the Havana process, the truth is that in the Capitol will be the 10 members of the Farc, who will have the seats guaranteed by the agreement with the government and there is a sector represented by the Democratic Pole, the Green Alliance part of the Liberal Party that do not agree with profound changes.

For Rubén Sánche z, Professor of the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Rosario, the next Congress would not be as hostile to the Agreement that he has been told in the countryside. "It all depends on what you really want to do, because today we do not know, for others, politically, it would not be very smart to do it as they said," he said. -he explains.

Sánchez said that on issues such as implementation, there was an obvious delay in the agenda. In practice, resources are needed and until the government defines its fiscal policy, we do not know if there is money for peace. "Faced with the favorability of the parliamentary caucus, it is likely that things will change and that many members of Congress will become independent with respect to peace." There are no homogeneous blocks here and the truth is that in the question of peace, we are in darkness. "

For the moment, three problems must be solved urgently: the institutional offer for the territories FARC, which is included in the agreement and does not present advances, a debate on political control over the issue of reincorporation, of which no roadmap is yet available, and the question of substitution of crops for use unlawful, which generates shared positions.

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