The death toll rises to 302 due to jihadist attacks in southern Syria


The death toll of the wave of attacks by the terrorist group Islamic State (ISIS) against civilians and Syrian government forces in the southern province of Al Sueida rose to 302 reported the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.

The most serious, coordinated terrorist attacks in this region in 19459006 put an end to the lives of at least 135 civilians, 111 government fighters, and 56 jihadists, according to reports. latest data from the NGO.

The number of deaths increased due to the death of the seriously wounded and the discovery of corpses of people They were missing and had been executed by the Islamic State in rural areas of the region.

According to the NGO, civilians were abducted and transferred to desert areas in the north of the region. province and several families found the bodies of their parents when they returned to their homes.

The state news agency, SANA reported the beginning of a mass burial in the city of Al Sueida the victims of the attacks perpetrated yesterday by the jihadists.

In addition, the agency assured that members of the Syrian army, aided by "grassroots groups", murdered infiltrated terrorists in the villages around Sueda . (EFE)

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