The delegates who will go to the PSUV congress have been imposed by Farías


During the weekend, the units of Bolívar Chávez chose the delegates who will attend the PSUV congress which will take place from July 28th to 30th. President Nicolás Maduro and members of the national leadership, Diosdado Cabello and Adán Chávez, indicated that this assembly would not follow an individual agenda and would serve to give a voice and power to the demonstrators and demonstrate the democratic character of the meeting. # 39; organization.

However, not all party members are satisfied with the way the selection was made. In Caracas, the mayor of the municipality of Liberia, Erika Farías, used her machines to impose, by texting, the candidates who will represent them at the congress.

"On Saturday, they held an assembly with all the parishes and they sent several text messages with the names of the postulates, which do not belong to our community, so that we could vote on Sunday. is not the good thing they want a real renovation.They force us to vote to fill a quota and that Maduro believes that we are all happy, "said Alfonso Herrera, representative of a communal council at Catia.

Consider that the imposition of the mayor is due to the low participation of the parishes of Caracas in the presidential elections. "The government takes its rights on January 23, Catia, La Vega and El Junquito," he added

. In the choice of delegates, the CLAPs, the community councils and the Network of articulation and socio-political action also participated. The latter was created in late April to force communities to the May elections

Each unit, reported Cabello, was to select six activists, including women, the elderly and youth.

municipalities, the party will elect 335 delegates and 2 additional delegates for each state capital. In Caracas, he will choose a representative for each of the 23 parishes.

Maduro said that some of the objectives of the congress are to eradicate sectarianism and to define a line of political and economic action that is concerned with the problems of Venezuelans. An activist and spokeswoman of the CLAP of El Cementerio sector, who protected her identity, refuted the argument and asserted that a party that denies community projects and complicit in Insecurity does not intend to give better opportunities to the country. ] "We have been deceived, we feel frustrated, the socialist project has not come to fruition because they have an economic condition different from ours.They can meet organized crime to give them CLAP boxes, without worrying that there are other families who really need it. "

Although this area of ​​El Cementerio was not consulted to get to the congress, the spokesman asks real purpose if the party structure will be led by the same people, because there is no possibility to open other spaces for debate allowing self-criticism and the possibility of making corrections

"They are not able to speak or provide solutions. They only serve to threaten and this has made people tired. There are more promises and control. The conclusion is that they want to keep power in any way it is a lie that they gave to the people. They did not do it and will not do it. "

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