The dollar climbed to Bs 172,800 at the Dicom auction


The price of currencies, such as the US dollar and the euro, rose on Friday in the new floating exchange rate system market after its last known bid, according to data provided by the Central Bank of Chile. Venezuela

The issuing institute has reported the result of the auction number 24, in which one euro is exchanged for 201,363.84 bolivares, which represents an increase of 19% compared to the quote resulting from the previous bid, it was 168,609.60 bolívar por euro

The dollar price also recorded an increase with regard to the auction number 23, when it was listed at 144,000 bolívares. In the latest bid, it rose to 172,800 bolivars, reflecting a 590% increase over the rate of the first bid, made in February, which placed the US dollar at 25,054 bolivars.

BCV awarded a total of $ 135,903,41, of which $ 115,706.89 was granted to 8 corporations and $ 20,196.52 to 104 individuals. Excelsior Gama Supermercados C.A., who received $ 61,000, was the company that received the most benefits. While the lowest amount was $ 1,247.23, for Electrotecnimotores, CA's Issuer Institute reported that the settlement date is tomorrow, July 30th.

The total attributed represents a drop of 21% over the twenty-third bid, which was $ 171,608.10. The minimum position of the application and the offer was 50 euros for the natural person and 1000 euros for the legal person.

The prices of the US dollar and the euro are thousands of times higher than the rate of protected currency dollars awarded at the price of 10 bolivars per unit. The rate was repealed in January, with the Exchange Agreement No. 39, to make room for the Dicom, the exchange rate now unique in the country, governed by an exchange control that operates since 2003 and which grants the monopoly of currencies to the state, reported Efe.

The government reactivated the auction system at the end of January, after being suspended in September 2017. At the time, it recorded a rate of 3,345 bolivars per dollar and 4,142 euros per year. euro. Venezuela, which is experiencing a severe shortage of foreign currency, closed last year with inflation of 2.616%, and since October 2017, it is in a scenario of hyperinflation, reported the agency. Press.

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