The drinking water supply will improve in Carabobo with the reactivation of the wells


Two deep-water wells were reactivated in the Flor Amarillo sector of the Valencia municipality of Carabobo State by the government of this entity, with which some eight thousand families from this community will be served with the vital liquid.

The work was undertaken by teams from the Carabobo State Housing Institute (Ivec) and are part of the well rehabilitation plan that this office performs in the area. 39, whole of the entity

. , Marcos Sosa, informed that the mentioned wells are located in the fifth of Flor Amarillo and in the sports center José Pereira.

The official asserted that the supply of drinking water for carabobeños is a priority issue for regional management, which He has promoted various actions to correct this problem.

"That's why we are in different communities deployed to rehabilitate water wells. He also mentioned that these wells have been inoperative for several years and that they have a flow of 12 liters per second to serve not only this community, but to adjacent areas.

Source: Globovisión

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