The Earth is preparing today for the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century


The moon will be dyed red during the night of this Friday when it will be the longest lunar total eclipse of the 21st century, with a duration of 102 minutes.

Thus, a total eclipse of the Moon will occur with the Moon. According to data provided by NASA, will start at 4:21, Venezuelan time

According to data provided by the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (Spain), Africa's eclipse in its entirety and Western Europe (Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, France or Italy) can not be seen the second part with the moon rising on the eastern horizon; it will be less popular in Latin America, although a little better in Argentina and Brazil, reports Efe.

An eclipse occurs when a planet or moon is in place of sunlight and, during a lunar eclipse, the Earth prevents the star's light from reaching the satellite , which causes the night the full moon disappears completely, as the shadow of the Earth covers it, points NASA on its website.

But not only because of the eclipse, but because the Moon will be dyed red and there will be an alignment of Mars, Earth and Sun, which will make the Martian planet closer to we, increasing its visible size.

The reddish hue of the moon, a phenomenon popularly known as "blood moon," will be a consequence of the Earth's atmosphere's behavior against the sun's rays.

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