The encounter between Earth and Mars will be visible at the Humboldt Planetarium


.- N.- The Humboldt Planetarium, located in the Parque Generalísimo Francisco de Miranda, Caracas, makes its facilities available to the public to contemplate the closest approach between the Earth and Mars phenomenon that occurs every 26 months.

Through his Twitter account, the institution reported that this Friday, July 27 and Saturday, July 28, between 7:00 and 9:00 pm, visitors will be able to use telescopes for free to observe the red planet at its maximum splendor and also be accompanied by the planets Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.

To accompany the natural phenomenon, the Planetarium has prepared a special program for the Caracas family which includes functions at 5:00 in the afternoon of the audiovisual project, March 2018 and at 18:00, in El agave in marte.

The institution reported that to enjoy the projections the children have 12 years of salary Bs. 40 thousand and adults Bs. 80 thousand .

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