The episcopate analyzes its permanence in the national dialogue


The Nicaraguan episcopate will meet in Managua to analyze its permanence in the national dialogue in order to resolve the crisis of this country, after President Daniel Ortega accused them of belonging to a plan for give him a coup d'etat.

"This will be one of the questions we will address," said Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, questioned about his permanence in the dialogue.

Last Thursday, during the celebration of the 39th anniversary of the Nicaraguan Revolution, Ortega declared that the bishops were disqualified as mediators and witnesses of the dialogue, asking him to advance by March 2019 the elections. of 2021, as the most effective way to overcome a crisis that left between 277 and 351 dead in demonstrations against the president.

Ortega himself invited the bishopric to play a mediating role in the dialogue between the government and various sectors of Nicaraguan society in May.

When asked if he is maintained As mediators, Cardinal Brenes replied, "I think so, because officially, by a letter, we were not told otherwise."

In recent months, Catholic churches and clergy have suffered physical and verbal assault and threats, never before seen in Nicaragua, a country where 58.8% of the population considers themselves Catholic.

Brenes claimed that the Catholic Church is being persecuted in Nicaragua, where its temples have served as a haven for protesters who escape the government's armed attacks.

"I believe in the Church which is a holy, catholic, apostolic and persecuted, because we see it in Iraq, it is persecuted, it is part of the Church, it has always been persecuted we will not be unaware, "said Brenes.

Since last June, when the bishopric, in his capacity as mediator of a national dialogue to overcome the crisis, asked the President Ortega advances to March 2019 presidential elections, to overcome the serious situation in Nicaragua, at least seven Catholic churches were desecrated.

On July 9, a group of Ortega supporters invaded a temple and assaulted Brenes , the Apostolic Nuncio Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, as well as Bishop Silvio Báez, as well as the priests Edwin Román and Miguel Mántica, some of whom were wounded.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner s to human rights Human rights have accused the Ortega government of serious violations of human rights.

The IACHR denounced killings, extrajudicial executions The program that runs Daniel Ortega rejects

The information

The American senator Marco Rubio warned, in the program State of the Union of CNN, that the risk of a civil war is real in Nicaragua and blamed on the government of President Daniel Ortega for being stained with blood hands with violent repression demonstrations.

As a result of this hypothetical escalation of the Nicaraguan crisis, the Republican legislator said: "An immigration crisis could be unleashed and anti-drug efforts in the region would be undermined."

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