The Estrada Doctrine, Honduras … and Nicaragua?


With Marcelo Ebrard as Chancellor, the Mexican Government will return to the policy of non-intervention, based on the Doctrine Estrada, a shift in line with the criticism of the next President and his team, to the violation of these principles since the last

Perhaps because of this, the virtual elected president's team did not talk about the assassination of students in Nicaragua, although the current government, led by President Peña Nieto, has already done so.

What we must not forget, is that one of the episodes in which Mexico passed the Doctrine Genaro Estrada, established in 1930, was played by the next Minister of Foreign Affairs, during a coup d'etat. the president of Honduras, nine years ago, Manuel Zelaya.
In August 2009, the head of government of the federal district at the time not only handed over the keys of the city to Z elaya and spoke to him as legitimate president, but he supported with elements of the Secretariat of public security so that Rosalinda Bueso, now his wife, who was the representative in Mexico of the Zelaya government, could enter the embassy in Colonia Condesa

In this case, the new Chancellor was not only in accordance with the position of the government Felipe Calderón and the Standing Committee of the Congress – led by Gustavo Madero, and who also supported Zelaya and received it in a solemn session, but participated in the "recovery" of the headquarters of A foreign government in Mexico.

The coup d'etat was condemned all over the world and the pressure was used to call for new elections and Zelaya could join the political life of his country, years later, giving reason to Jorge Castañeda Gutman, who, six years ago, had promoted foreign policy change.

Some sectors of the left not belonging to the group that won the presidency, there is no idea that there is, so far, only one comment on the murder of students in Nicaragua, more when there are politicians in their ranks. the most important student movements, such as 1968 or the Council of University Students (CEU), Pablo Gómez, in the first, and Claudia Sheinbaum, at that time, next to Carlos Ímaz, in the second. In addition, supported by his father, Iria Gómez, he participated in the first months of the movement CGH, UNAM, in 2000.

The Doctrine of Estrada

Until 39; At that moment when a force from the Mexican Republic intervened to "recover the embassy" from Honduras, the position of Mexico had not been as interventionist in a case of another nation.
For example, based on the Doctrine of Estrada, Mexico withdrew its ambassador to Chile and asked that the representative of that, when the coup against Salvador Allende took place. And it is one of the characteristics of foreign policy promoted and staged by Pascual Ortiz Rubio. To withdraw his representatives, but without making judgments, neither at this time nor at a later date.


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