The experts' gaze after the reduction of five zeros to the currency


Economic experts on Wednesday expressed their opinion on Twitter on the possible consequences that the reduction of five zeros will bring to the national currency, a measure announced by Nicolás Maduro, and the anchoring of the Bolivian ruler to the petro

Henkel Garcia, analyst at According to the finance professor and director of Econometrica, the announcement, in his opinion, will worsen the cash crisis because there are no low bills and will bring a lot confusion among the citizens.

Luis Oliveros, economist, questioned measure because of the costs of several services in Venezuela, which, he explained, will make it difficult to pay for them.

"Questions that appear: What is the price of gas? Today, the liter costs six bolivars, with 5 zeros less, there will be no coins to pay it from August 20, "said Luis Oliveros on Twitter

Orlando Ochoa, economist and professor at Andrés Bello Catholic University in Caracas, that in his opinion, the new currency cone" does not work ".

"The dollar calculation of the currency cone that Maduro showed in his hands – from 2 to 200 Bs Sovereigns (minus 5 zeros) – is measured between $ 0.05 and $ 5.50. And this currency cone does not work, with a hyperinflation of + 100% per month, at the end of the year, each new bill will be worth a fraction of 1 dollar, "explains the professor of Andrés Catholic University. Bello

The collapse of the strength of the currency dates back to the government of Hugo Chavez, who left three zeros to the coin in 2008.

Felix Seijas, statistician and director of Delphos , commented that a Bolívar ruler is equal to 100 million bolivars of "those that Chávez received to power."

"Let's not lose sight of the following: 1 sovereign bolivar would equate to 100 million bolivars with whom Chávez received power. And no, it's not a question of Maduro, Chávez was responsible in the life of three of these zeros, and now, through Maduro, for five others. The legacy, "said the director of Delphos.

Asdrubal Oliveros, economist and director of Ecoanalítica, considered the anchor of the Bolivar ruler to petrol as a fantasy because he said that support for a currency is trust.

"The Bolivar ruler is steeped in petrol. An entelechy. The support of a motto is trust. Asdrubal Oliveros

Luis Vicente Leon, president of Datanalisis, pointed out that the petro is a currency of little confidence on the market and prohibited in several countries of the world.

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