The FANB commemorates the 207 years of the Declaration of Independence with dance, song and theater – Correo del Orinoco


In commemoration of the 207 years of the signing of the Venezuelan Independence Act, military university cadets through dance, song and theater made a reenactment of the events Historical records that allowed the 5th of July 1811 signed such an important document on the freedom and sovereignty of a people.

The act was held in the theater of the Military Academy of the Bolivarian Army, Fuerte Tiuna, Caracas. The Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, praised the fact that, by the art, the day of the declaration of independence was celebrated

"We have witnessed from a play the cadets themselves from the Military University creating this July 5, they crossed on April 19 (1810), the installation of the constituent congress and all that s & # 39; It's happened when we, Venezuelans, decided to be absolute, free and independent rulers, "

He pointed out that other commemorative activities will be held this Wednesday as promotions to the admiral ranks and generals of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), as well as the traditional parade on the Paseo Los Próceres.

Padrino López said that the countries that politically attack Venezuela will meet a patriotic, anti-imperialist, free and sovereign people

"We do not envisage, we do not do it We will not threaten the dignity of the Venezuelan people, which could go against the unity of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, "he said, adding:" Before each aggression, more unity, more force, more drama, more parade, training, more discipline. "

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