The fight against AIDS has "slowed down": without help | CERIGUA


The agency noted that new infections are increasing in around 50 countries and around the world; they have decreased by only 1.8 million in the last seven years, from 2.2 million in 2010 to 1.8 million in 2017.

accounts for almost half of the maximum level of new infections , recorded in 1996 (3.4 million), the reduction is not fast enough to reach the goal of less than 500 thousand by 2020.

There are entire regions that remain behind, the tremendous progress we have made with regard to children is not maintained, women continue to be among the most affected people, resources continue without adapting to political commitments and the key populations are still ignored; all these elements hinder progress and must be tackled urgently, "said Michel Sidibé, executive director of UNAIDS .

The reduction of new infections by HIV was highest in the region most affected by the virus, eastern and southern Africa, where new cases were reduced by 30 to cent since 2010; however, in Eastern Europe and Central Asia they have doubled, while in the Middle East and North Africa they have increased by more than 20% in the last 20 years.

The agency pointed out that thanks to the introduction of antiretroviral therapy, the number of AIDS-related deaths is the lowest recorded in this century (940,000), after being less than one million for first time in 2016.

In one year, another 2.3 million people accepted treatment for the first time; it is the largest annual increase to date, with 21.7 million people receiving treatment.

Nearly 60% of the 36.9 million people living with the HIV received treatment in 2017, which is an important achievement, but to achieve the goal of 30 million is expected produce an annual increase of 2.8 million, and there are signs that the pace of this increase is slowing down, he said. ]
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