The film "La familia" opens in Venezuela | In the gossip


  Photo: Archive

Photo: Archive | AVN

This first Friday in 17 commercial theaters of Caracas, Barquisimeto, Maracaibo and Valencia, La Familia, first film of the Venezuelan director Gustavo Rondón . a coproduction with Chile which has covered more than forty prestigious festivals around the world with very good reviews, manages to tell the story of an unconventional family, composed of a father and his son, orphans of maternal affection, who live in a popular area of ​​Caracas, where they face certain conflicts in their own environment that force them to flee.

Starring Giovanny García who plays Andrés, the father; and Reggie Reyes who plays the son, Pedro. The film uses the city, its future and its peculiarities as a character to trigger the reactions of father and son.

Reflection of what we are as a city, with a different perspective, and successful use of audio and video. Silence, they provide the feature film with a great dramatic charge and a fascinating suspense that manages to keep the viewer glued to the chair.

The Family was registered in 2015 in Lomas de Urdaneta, Country Club, the center of Caracas and the urbanization La Floresta.

In this they participate a group of boys and girls that premiere masterfully in the performance, thanks to the treatment that in the direction, directed by Gustavo Rondón. The teenagers were captured in a theater workshop, dictated by Rondón, which also allowed the participants, during the recording, to use their own language, which resulted in some changes in the script, written two years ago, and finally have a film as true as natural.

The director explained, during the press release of the film, that La Familia was born out of the need to talk about the city as a trigger for who we are. Also, the film explores otherness and how to assume the identity of a person, in this case the son, to recognize the father's existence.

Rondón invited all the Venezuelan public to see the film during his first two weeks, time designed in the right of cinematography for the exhibition of Venezuelan films.

The director also informed that the film will be exhibited in the rest of the country in the coming weeks.


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