The first birth of a cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep, is performed


Dolly emerged, in detail, from the nuclear combination of a donor cell differentiated to an unfertilized egg, from the mammary gland of an adult animal. (SPECIAL)


The place is Edinburgh, Scotland, the date is July 5, 1996, the event is the culmination successful research and experiment developed by scientists from the Roslin Institute: birth of the Dolly sheep, first mammal cloned from an adult cell.

Dolly emerged, in detail, from the nuclear combination of a differentiated donor cell to an unfertilized egg, from the mammary gland of an adult animal.

His creation was a breakthrough in science because until then he was dominated the belief that could only be cloned unqualified embryonic cells.

All his life Dolly lived in the Roslin Institute, until 1996: The first birth of a cloned mammal was obtained, the Dolly sheep "width =" 100% "/ >

Dolly emerged, in detail, from the nuclear combination of a donor cell, differentiated into an unfertilized egg, derived from the mammary gland of an adult animal. (SPECIAL)

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– MD

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