The former President Obama arrives in Kenya


Spanish >> World

Updated at 07/07/2018 – 08:48


NAIROBI, July 15 (Xinhua) – The former US President Barack Obama has arrived today Obama arrived in Nairobi and went to the State House with his sister Auma Obama to meet with President Uhuru Kenyatta

During his stay in the country, the former president will also meet the opposition leader, Raila Odinga, then will visit his father's ancestral house in Kogelo on Monday, where he will open a sports center of the Sauti Kuu Foundation.

The sister-funded center will provide educational and economic opportunities to help young people serve in their communities, and share a mission similar to the Obama Foundation.

Security was strengthened in Nairobi, Kisumu and Siaya, in western Kenya, by the visit of the former president accompanied by several delegates

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