The former Venezuelan prosecutor said that it had been announced the death of Hugo Chavez several months before the official date


The former Venezuelan prosecutor Luisa Ortega dismissed by the president Nicolás Maduro provoked a controversy by claiming that was informed of the death of the 39, exmandatario Hugo Chávez two months before the official announcement. According to his version, December 28, 2012, Diosdado Cabello then vice president, called to inform him of what had happened, although he later retracted the information, became official on March 5. 2013.

"I was out of the country on December 28, 2012 and I'm calling myself Diosdado: " Sale that Chávez is dead. " We bought tickets to return to Venezuela, but then he called me I always asked for the death certificate, the girls question, all of these things we even have an inquiry about of this case, "he said in the interview to the portal Punto de corte

Conflicts in Chavismo.

Ortega also revealed that, after the death of Chávez, there was a case of power conflict between Nicolás Maduro and Cabello . He said that the latter should be the successor of the Venezuelan leader after his death, which did not happen. Diosdado said that he was going to be the next candidate and I do not know what happened there, but Diosdado was convinced that in the elections that should have taken place in December There was undoubtedly a power struggle "he said

. The ex-dismissed prosecutor took the opportunity to send a hard message to Nicolás Maduro and ask him to resign. his country. " Renounce, go, allow Venezuelans to be happy You do not want Venezuela because you are not from Venezuela, let Venezuelans grow, grow and find the way to freedom, "he said.

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