The government accused the President of Ecuador of going against the sovereignty of Venezuela


The government accused the Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno of going against his sovereignty, in a protest note sent Friday to the Ecuadorian company head of Caracas

"The President Moreno made statements and talks with the Ecuadorian government, US Vice President Mike Pence against Venezuela's sovereignty, "said Venezuelan Vice-Minister for Latin America Alexander Yánez, quoted in an official bulletin.

Yánez forwarded the complaint to Ecuadorian representative Elizabeth Méndez two days after Moreno suspended sending her new ambassador to Venezuela and handed a protest note to Caracas.

The President adopted these measures by rejecting the comments of his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Maduro, who asked to end the "persecution" against former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, whose justice ordered the Imprisonment for brief kidnappings. "Moreno was the one who referred to people involved in blatant and notorious acts of political violence and even in terrorist acts to try to disrupt the constitutional order and even social peace in Venezuela," commented Yánez. The diplomat also defended Maduro's solidarity with Correa, noting that he is a "friend" of Venezuela, where he is "admired and respected for his ethical, political and humanistic qualities.

On Thursday, Moreno said he was "radically" opposed to a military intervention in Venezuela, referring to press accounts in the US That Trump proposed to his cabinet in August 2017 the possibility to invade the oil country.

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