The government announced a water recovery plan for the Grand Caracas


.N .- The Bolivarian Government has activated a recovery plan stabilization and maintenance of the Tuy I, II and III system structure responsible for the drinking water supply of the District of the capital and states Miranda and Vargas, informed the Vice-President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez.

From the Camatagua Reservoir, in the state of Aragua, he said that the optimization program is considering repairs in the area of ​​the electrical substation, valves, motors and hoses. guarantee the supply of the vital liquid.

"We are going to a process of recovery, stabilization and maintenance of the system to ensure the permanent supply and quality access so that citizens can benefit from an essential service for life" said in the transmission of Television Venezolana (VTV).

In particular, in the pumping station number 31, a pl A total recovery that will be extended for about six weeks, reported AVN

"Caracas and the states that are affected by this system will soon see good news, will soon see the resumption of service, "said Rodriguez, while noting that the concretion of the plan is possible through the pair government-power popular through the technical tables of water.

For his part, Evelyn Vásquez, Minister of Popular Power at the Water Watch, He emphasized that the recovery program is part of a series of actions priorities that will be applied in the future to improve water supply.

"We establish priorities, we will help each of the regions to progress in the program, which will be reproduced on the national territory, is a concrete action of the seventh strategic line of the presidential period 2019-2025, of which the 39; main objective is to strengthen the infrastructure and public services.


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