The government has postponed announcements of new prices in basic articles


Caracas .- The national government has postponed the announcements that it had planned to make this Saturday, July 7 on the pricing of the various products of the country, under the "Plan 50", with which it seeks to give a "point of stability" to the economy affected by a severe crisis and hyperinflation.

By a brief statement, the Ministry of Communication notified that the announcement by the Vice President of Economic Zone and Minister of Basic Industries, Tareck el Aissami, to publish this information has been "suspended", without providing more details.

The department that runs El Aissami only issued a statement informing that, in the context of popular market occupation announced on June 20, they managed to "reduce by more than 130% the price of products "in the wholesale market of Coche, one of the most visited in Caracas.

On Friday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said that El Aissami would announce today the so-called "agreed prices" after "three weeks of intense discussions" with different sectors of the economy.

However, the National Council for Trade and Services (Consecomercio), which rejects this measure because prices are rising in the country in a matter of hours due to hyperinflation, had indicated this week that the government was not going to Had not met all sectors.

This was reiterated today by the first vice-president of the main Venezuelan employers' association, Fedecámaras, Ricardo Cussano, who also expressed his rejection of the idea of ​​setting prices since "the shortage (of products) will not be resolved "not much less hyperinflation. "

Cussano also stated that he did not know why the government had not made the announcements today, but that" anyway, which is not less True, it is that in any of the meetings that took place, decisions were made systemically and structurally. "

This is not the first time that governments that maintain the so-called Bolivarian revolution that the late Hugo Chavez (1999-2013) set out attempt to fix prices, and that too, in the context of exchange control that was created in 2003 and still remains under regimes that have varied and those who have access.

The last price announcement, before which it is planned to implement now, was made in September last year, exactly for 50 products among which stand out milk, mortadella , bread, fish, pasta, chicken, oil and products like soap. [1 9659002] On this occasion, Maduro asked the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) to evaluate the Fair Price Law, which was later approved, a rule with which she has already warned supermarkets that she would take "radical measures". .

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