The government launched the Vacacional Comunitario 2018 Plan


United Nations . The national government launched yesterday Community Vacation Plan 2018 with which it aims to serve the entire country to 3,485,000 children during the holiday season

The Minister of Youth and Sports , Pedro Infante, informed that the recreational program will begin on August 1 and will extend until September 15.

"This plan will serve children ages 5 to 12, from Monday to Friday, and from 8 am they will be able to enroll in their community boards and educational units," said Infante. On weekends, the executive designed a camping and hiking program for young people between the ages of 13 and 20 to serve 15,000 young people.

"We invite all children and adolescents to participate in this policy of love and happiness," added the minister.
The vacation plans include a total of 30,000 community reenactors, 5,000 popular educators, 15,000 sports promoters and physical activists, 720 ecotourism guides, 670 environmental guides, 128 forest firefighters and 2,500 security servers and prevention.

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