The government talks about prices for a year and does nothing


remarkable, economics

ND / photo: Alba Ciudad / July 22, 2018.- Elector and economist Julio Escalona severely criticized the national government for failing to resolve the escalation of price after talking so much about the subject. 19659003] "I believe that in August of last year we were called to Miraflores and the idea of ​​agreed prices was presented to us," he said in the Sunday program of JVR for Televen . "I said there, and this is recorded, that it would not work, for a very simple reason: You are negotiating with whoever wants to overthrow you, because if those who are there intend to look for agreements depending on the country, then the result would be another, but they never had the intention to agree on anything.With a company like that one You can not think that you can make an agreement, what I've proposed is to freeze prices, to negotiate, it's like in any war. a cease-fire, there is no cease-fire, no negotiation possible unless you are defeated … but we are very far from that. "

L & # 39; ex-guerrilla also added that behind escalating prices, "there is a very broad conspiracy … like April 11."

"I think that has not changed .. The agreed prices are more than nine months and there is no results.After nine months, you can not continue with the same song, and I apologize for the expression, agreed prices ". And he challenged who he wanted, from the business sector or from the government, to show him that the agreed prices had worked.

And then, during a discussion in which he asked the Venezuelans to express "actively" but without "guarimbear" against escalating prices, Escalona said: "What are you talking about? people in the street? I walk in the subway and say: lack of government.It is not possible to talk so much about the prices, even within the same government, and nothing happens.And the next day, the people do their shopping and it is more expensive.This is not possible.We talk about the release of prices, but the prices are absolutely free.There is no control … Several months have passed, I believe that at least a year has passed, and the government has taken no viable action.Then, it is up to people, responsibly, to instead of complaining, going out and expressing their feelings, their position, peacefully and civically. "

Escalona said the solution to the economic problem is to resolve the price problems. "People are already afraid to raise their wages because they know that entrepreneurs make up before prices rise."

Fifth Column of the Upper Government

On the other hand Escalona assured that "within the government there exists a" fifth column, a right-wing current that is in agreement with the businessmen ". And as the evidence added: "That this has been almost a year of agreed prices and nothing has happened and is still talking about it, what is it? … The government is infiltrated. "

And finished putting his case as an example that the government does not hear. "What is the health minister doing?" "I am hypertensive." Well, I can not find any drugs. "I called the sites who say they're calling because" 39, there is a real unknowable scarcity. "

Tags: hyperinflation | Julio Escalona | JVR | price

  Canal Noticiero Digital

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